Liver Cirrhosis treatment

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Liver Cirrhosis

According to the ancient medical science of Ayurveda, the excess of taking intoxicating substances in an improper manner for a prolonged period becomes Visha (poison). Such habits increase toxin levels in the circulatory channels of the liver which causes Vitiation of Tridoshas particularly Pitta Dosha (body heat). As per ancient texts, this is the root cause of LIVER CIRRHOSIS. Liver cirrhosis hampers the ability of the liver to regenerate naturally. With the passage of time, these toxins reach unhealthy levels& disrupt the normal physiology of the liver, hamper digestion, metabolism, and immunity (Ojas).

Liver Cirrhosis Treatment in Ayurveda

The Ayurvedic line of treatment is the most effective against the root cause of Liver Cirrhosis i.e. excess deposition of Meda Dhatu (Fat tissue). This condition generally arises due to inappropriate lifestyle or dietary habits. There are anciently documented herbs which can quickly reduce fat deposition (to an optimum level) during alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis/steatohepatitis treatment (AFLD)/nonalcoholic Liver Cirrhosis disease (NAFLD)/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)/alcoholic steatohepatitis/Liver Cirrhosis of all grades (I, II, III etc.). The advantage of Ayurvedic treatment of Liver Cirrhosis is that it also eliminates recurrence of Liver Cirrhosis & it does not have any side-effects.

Reverse Liver Cirrhosis Naturally

The natural treatment of liver cirrhosis eliminates the accumulated Ama (toxins) by powerful liver cleansing herbs. These natural herbs normalize the excess Pitta Doshas (body heat). These natural remedies for liver cirrhosis have potential liver regenerating properties, which nourish and strengthen the liver tissues. This treatment of liver cirrhosis is also assisted with Swedna (oleation) & Virechan (purgation) etc. along with proper diet and lifestyle changes.

Such natural techniques are effective in regaining the normal functions of the liver and eliminating symptoms of the liver cirrhosis. Ayurvedic therapies for liver cirrhosis effectively promote the liver longevity and maintain a healthy state of liver naturally.

ayurvedic Liver Cirrhosis treatment

Yakrit Nirogam "Unique liver formula & excellent detoxifier to rejuvenate liver"

ayurvedic Liver Cirrhosis treatment

  • Best natural remedy for liver cirrhosis.
  • Supports healthy liver functioning.
  • Eliminates the accumulated toxins.
  • Nourishes & strengthens the liver tissues.

Herbs for Natural Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis

Bhringraj - It is a natural herb having the property of bitterness. It is pungent in taste. It is the best natural hepato protective. Due to these properties, Bhringraj helps to pacify the Pitta Dosha. Bhringraj has Rasa, Guna, Virya and Vipaka properties that naturally stimulate the Jathra Agni (digestive fire) to burn the excess "Ama" (toxins).

Chirayata - Chirayata helps in balancing the Tridoshas. It contains Tikta Rasa (bitter taste), Laghu Guna (light), Ushna Virya (hot potency) which trigger the production of saliva, gastric juices, enzymes that increase digestion & metabolism that helps in preventing Liver Cirrhosis.

Bhumiamalaki - This herb clears the aggravated Pachak Pitta in liver cirrhosis and prevents the formation or accumulation of "Ama". It also promotes healthy digestion due to its anti-spasmodic and carminative properties,

ayurvedic treatment of Liver Cirrhosis failure
Diet plan for Liver Cirrhosis

Diet Plan

Pranayama/Yoga/Exercise for Liver Cirrhosis


Diet plan for Liver Cirrhosis

Healthy Lifestyle Suggestions

best ayurvedic Liver Cirrhosis treatment

Diet plan for Liver Cirrhosis

  • 1) Include simple starchy carbohydrates such as bread, rice along with beans & pulses in your diet. They can help to regain the natural property of liver regeneration.
  • 2) Add fiber-rich vegetables & fruits in the diet such as green leafy vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, spinach, grapefruit, blueberries, apple, pomegranate) they act as an anti-oxidant, which helps to filter out the toxins from the body and prevents damage to the liver.
  • 3) Add nuts, seeds in your diet which have excellent & essential nutrients that can enhance the production of liver enzymes.
  • 4) Avoid high sugar, salt & saturated fats such as butter & refined oils.
  • 5) Avoid processed food such as jams, jellies, cakes, cream, & pudding.

Pranayama/Yoga/Exercise for Liver Cirrhosis

Padangusthasana/ Supta Matsyendrasana- These Asanas help in liver stimulation and promote the secretion of the bile which helps in the digestion of the fats. These techniques can also increase blood circulation and promote liver health while soothing the nervous system and reducing stress on the liver.

Pranayamas: Sheetali Pranayama/ Chandrabhedi Pranayama- These breathing techniques are very effective in detoxifying the liver. They activate powerful cooling mechanisms and parasympathetic systems of the body that helps in reducing the body heat.

Exercises: Stretching exercises/ Aerobic activities - These exercises strengthen the liver while stimulating the bile juices and enzymes that immediately absorb food and filter out the toxins from the body.

Lifestyle changes to get rid of Liver Cirrhosis

  • Consume the required amount of calories only.
  • Get active and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Avoid getting thirsty and don’t skip breakfast.

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