herpes solution

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Herbal Remedies for Herpes in Ayurveda

The ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda offers effective solution for Herpes. Ayurvedic healing focuses on providing strength and balance to the whole body systems. Natural Ayurvedic solution for herpes works to control the outbreaks by supporting Agni (Inner fire: to absorb nutrition and burn the toxins) for a healthy immune system while promoting Ojas (body strength) for the healthy functioning of the body.

ayurvedic Herpes solution

The authentic & anciently known herbs naturally detoxify the skin, blood, and lymph. These herbs are modern tested for their natural potential to expel the toxins and balance the vitiated Doshas (bodily humors) to heal and rejuvenate respective tissues. These natural solutions for herpes quickly reduce the burning, inflammation, and tingling sensation. Such solutions have been known as the best approach to balance the vitiated Doshas, rejuvenate the body & to assist not only the affected organ but also to strengthen the entire body while fighting the recurrent herpes.

Additionally, the customized diet plans have also been proven very helpful in accelerating the improvement pace. Remember, taking correct & timely measures is the only way to check the virus and fend off infections attacking the body. The advanced herbal solution for herpes gives you an opportunity to avail of the best-combined therapies for herpes within the boundaries of your home.

Herbal Combination to Fight Herpes

Nirogamz Immuno "Helps in building a strong immune system"

ayurvedic Herpes solution

  • Maintains natural protective barriers.
  • Sustains a strong immune system.
  • Supports the body natural defense mechanism.

Nirogam Immuno Care "Supports normal immune function"

ayurvedic Herpes solution

  • Acts as an immunity enhancer.
  • Helps in fighting off invaders.
  • Helps in fighting off auto-immune disorders.

How do these wellness supports work?

Anti-viral and Immuno Modulator Herbs: Ayurvedic herbs nourish and strengthen the immune system & play a central role in supporting those cells involved in our immunological defenses. These herbs modulate the immune system and combat the virus with a triple action mode. Firstly, these wellness supports act as anti-viral, secondly, they modulate the immune system to stimulate immune responses, and thirdly they kill the habitat of the virus to stop viral replications.

These immuno-modular herbs also support natural antibodies to prevent the virus from infecting further cells, thus to modulate the natural defense system of the body to become active in identifying and attacking the virus. These herbs stimulate T-suppressor cells, thereby reducing immune resistance and stimulating macrophages and natural killer cells for fending off the pathogens which inflame the skin.

What causes Herpes?

Herpes Simplex Virus is the causative agent of this disease. It affects the anal region, external genitalia, mucosal surfaces, mouth, and skin (skin rashes) in various parts of the body. The common symptoms of herpes inculcate blisters/ulceration, vaginal discharge, pain/itching, malaise, fever, enlarged lymph nodes etc.

How is Herpes Transmitted?

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. Herpes virus is of two types viz. 1) HSV-Type-I (oral herpes) and 2) HSV-Type-II (genital herpes). Both types of this highly contagious herpes virus can lead to complications like infections of the bladder and rectum, and in severe cases, brain infections or meningitis. According to an estimate of the American Social Health Association, about half of the American population is a carrier of HSV-Type-I and around 15% of American citizens have HSV-Type-II. The worldwide account of HSV-I & II includes about 16-20% of the global population.

ALLOPATHY SCENARIO: The conventional methods merely offer symptomatic relief but they are ineffective in controlling the virus. People have become increasingly aware of the harmful effects of these methods on their health in the long-term as these produce several side-effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. Additionally, the overdoses can lead to hallucinations, seizures, and kidney damage in extreme cases (because of decreased urine production). So, people are now realizing that they have other options, and are looking towards natural therapies to do away with the herpes menace.

ayurvedic solution of Herpes
Diet plan for herpes

Diet Plan

Pranayama/Yoga/Exercise for herpes


best ayurvedic Herpes solution

Diet Plan for Herpes

  • Take a diet rich in vitamin C and E (broccoli, oatmeal etc.) to strengthen the immune system.
  • Increase the consumption of whole grain cereals, vitamin D & B12 rich foods, and vegetables that are bitter in taste, like drumsticks and bitter gourd.
  • Avoid spicy foods, non-vegetarian foods, artificial food colors, processed foods, & artificial sweeteners.

Pranayama/Yoga/Exercise for Herpes

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Anulom Vilom)/Skull Shining Breathing Technique (Kapalbhati) - These Pranayamas purify blood by detoxification. These techniques rejuvenate and refresh both the body and the mind.

Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana)/Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)/Leg up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani) - These Yogic exercises improve the blood circulation, detoxify the body, arrest free radicals, balance hormones, reduce stress, and boost up immunity.

Exercises- Though exercises can be done but some precautions have to be kept in mind: maintaining adequate hydration, comfortable clothing, & avoiding hot showers etc.

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